Parkinson’s disease is a severe neurodegenerative disorder that can affect nearly all aspects of your daily life. About one million people in the United States are living as PD patients, and estimates suggest that nearly 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson’s every year. The prevalence of Parkinson’s disease increases with age, and most PD patients are age 50 or older. Therefore, it is important to know the early warning signs of Parkinson’s disease.

Parkinson’s disease can present a variety of signs and symptoms of various levels of severity. Knowing the difference between essential tremors and Parkinson’s can be very beneficial. Tremors, characterized by involuntary shaking in your limbs, are one of the most common symptoms, but Parkinson’s disease can have a comprehensive effect on all of your muscle and motor coordination. This can result in rigidity, poor posture, slow movement, and general problems with movement and motor coordination.

However, implementing regular exercise for Parkinson’s disease can help to keep your limbs and muscles active and limber to support your movement. Engaging in physical activity can help people with PD maintain mobility and independence for longer. Read on to learn more about the best exercises for Parkinson’s disease to support coordination and balance.

1. Walking

Parkinson’s disease is similar to Alzheimer’s and can make regular exercise like walking feel difficult, often like your feet are stuck to the floor. However, walking is also one of the most accessible aerobic exercise regimens. It is a low-impact physical activity and can be done in essentially any setting. Walking works the muscle strength in your legs, thighs, and lower back, all of which are involved in your coordination, balance, and general posture. Walking can also build Parkinson’s patients’ flexibility in their lower body, enhance dopamine production, and improve their overall stamina.

Walking also allows for plenty of variation based on how you are feeling and what you are comfortable with in your exercise regimen. You can go at your own pace and intensity. You can use a treadmill or otherwise find a level path at your park, or you can add some challenge by walking somewhere with different elevations to really get in that strength training.

To really get your blood pumping, you can go for a light jog or alternate between jogging and walking as part of your exercise routine. Make sure you stay safe and bring someone along during your exercise program for support if you need it.

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2. Cycling

Whether you cycle outdoors or set up a stationary bike indoors, cycling is another great low-impact exercise program. Similar to walking, cycling works out the muscles in your legs and back, but it also focuses more on your thighs and core, which can further support your balance and coordination.

You want to find a flat, smooth area for cycling that is free of debris and other people who might get in the way of your physical activity. A track or clear park pathway is ideal. If you find the physical exercise of cycling on your own difficult, consider using a tandem bicycle with a friend or caregiver.

Some studies suggest that high-intensity exercise like cycling at a faster cadence may improve motor function and activate proprioceptors in Parkinson’s patients. Tandem cycling also has the added benefit of cycling with a friend for even more fun physical exercise. It also enhances physical therapy outcomes while reducing fall risk.

3. Tai Chi

Tai chi is a martial art that incorporates slow, deliberate movements. Research and clinical reviews show that it improves balance, reduces falls, and slows motor control decline in people with PD.

When practiced at normal speed, tai chi can act as a form of self-defense, but most people are more familiar with slow, controlled movements, which are still incredibly beneficial to your overall health and executive function. While it might seem easy, tai chi is more complex than you think, and every steady move requires you to activate your muscles, support your breathing, and work your coordination. It is a gentle but active exercise that can also be adjusted and modified to suit your personal physicality.

Studies show that those with mild to moderate forms of Parkinson’s disease may benefit from tai chi. Tai chi was shown to improve balance and reduce the rate of motor control decline. Tai chi may also reduce the number of falls, a common problem among Parkinson’s patients

Tai chi is incredibly safe, and it can be done with friends to provide extra support. Like other martial arts, it is also designed to be meditative, which can help ease everyday stress and provide greater mental clarity.

4. Yoga

Yoga has become increasingly popular among all age groups, and for good reason. It is highly adaptable to different skill levels and helps with strength, flexibility, and coordination. Yoga has countless different moves and positions that work for different muscle groups. This may all help to reduce muscle rigidity, spasms, tremors, and atrophy. It may also support your balance and improve your overall range of motion. Regularly practicing yoga may also slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease.

Studies show that maintaining a regular yoga practice helps to improve motor function, gait, postural stability, and fall risk in those with Parkinson’s disease. Much like tai chi, yoga also incorporates meditation and breathing exercises, which can reduce your stress, induce relaxation, and improve your overall quality of life.

You can easily find instructional yoga videos online, and yoga classes are increasingly common. Invest in a good yoga mat, and wear clothes that will not hinder your movement. This is also a great exercise to do with friends, family, and caregivers.

5. Swimming

Aquatic exercises, in general, can be a great option for some people with Parkinson’s disease. Water buoyancy takes some of the weight and pressure off of your muscles and joints, which may help to reduce muscle tension and support smoother movements during cardiovascular exercise. Swimming is a good all-around workout that helps to increase your strength and stamina and support your cardiovascular health as you swim laps or simply move through the water.

Depending on your ability and personal confidence levels, it is a good idea to join a swim class or take swimming lessons to learn the basics. Talk to your physiotherapist about using any swim aids to help you learn. It is also a good idea to have a friend or caregiver to supervise and ensure your safety. If you are swimming at a public pool with a lifeguard, make sure they are aware that you have Parkinson’s, which can provide you with peace of mind and inform them to be more alert of any potential issues.

Clinicians also recommend aquatic therapy, including water aerobics, aqua Zumba, and aqua jogging, to improve coordination and endurance. These are beneficial because they allow you to exercise in a group.

6. Dance

Dancing comes in so many different types and forms, from ballroom to tango to line dancing. All forms of dancing require coordination and balance, and studies show that dancing may improve your balance, strength, endurance, motor symptoms, and general functional fitness and mobility. Dancing can also improve your gait and stimulate your cognitive function. This is also a great exercise for Alzheimer’s patients.

Unlike some of the other exercises in this list, dance also has a distinct social component. Whether you dance with a group exercise class or practice some partner dancing, you are generally required to interact with other people. Considering the music and fun, dancing can easily trick you into exercising without you even realizing it. Dancing also fosters community engagement, reducing social isolation in people with PD.

Starting an Exercise Routine Safely

Before starting any new exercises for Parkinson’s disease, it’s important to take proper precautions to avoid injury. Not all exercise programs are suitable for every stage of Parkinson’s, so consulting with a physical therapist or healthcare provider is highly recommended.

Tips for Safe Exercise with Parkinson’s Disease:

  • Consult Your Doctor or Physical Therapist: Before starting, discuss exercise intensity and any potential limitations with your physician or a trained physical therapy specialist.
  • Start Slow: Begin with low-impact activities and gradually increase intensity exercise levels. Sudden overexertion can lead to fatigue or injury.
  • Stretch Before and After Exercise: Gentle stretching helps loosen stiff muscles and improves flexibility, which is essential for people with PD who experience muscle rigidity.
  • Use Support When Necessary: If you have balance issues, consider using a stable chair, walker, or handrails for added security.
  • Exercise in a Safe Environment: Choose flat, obstacle-free areas to prevent tripping or falling. Avoid slippery surfaces or dimly lit rooms.
  • Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can worsen symptoms, so drink water before, during, and after your physical activity sessions.
  • Listen to Your Body: If you feel fatigued, dizzy, or in pain, stop immediately and rest. The goal is to stay active, not to overexert yourself.

Studies show that high-intensity exercise can have significant effects on Parkinson’s disease, helping to slow disease progression and enhance dopamine production, which plays a key role in movement regulation.

Empowering Your Health with Exercise and Lifestyle Changes

Although there is no cure for Parkinson’s, a combination of medication and lifestyle changes can help you control your symptoms, whether you are experiencing early warning signs or more severe symptoms. Even disregarding its benefits for Parkinson’s disease, exercise is a great way to increase your heart rate and blood flow while getting your endorphins up and relieving some stress. To learn more about alternative treatment options, visit the Immunity Therapy Center.


Written By: Dr. Pablo Orozco

Dr. Pablo Orozco is a Board Certified Medical Doctor from Universidad Autónoma de Baja California.

Dr. Orozco has been a treating physician at the Immunity Therapy Center for more than 3 years providing daily on site patient care. He works with patients on a daily basis and guides them through the treatment process. Dr. Orozco’s passion for Alternative Cancer Treatments along with his commitment to patient care is key to insure that our patients have the best experience and results possible.



  1. Parkinson’s Foundation. Parkinson’s statistics.
  2. Home care assistance Philadephia. 5 Types of Exercise to Boost Coordination in Seniors with Parkinson’s.
  3. Salgado, Sanjay et al. “An evidence-based exercise regimen for patients with mild to moderate Parkinson’s disease.” Brain sciences vol. 3,1 87-100. 16 Jan. 2013,
  4. Harvard Medical School. Tai chi improves balance and motor control in Parkinson’s disease.
  5. Li, Fuzhong et al. “Tai chi and postural stability in patients with Parkinson’s disease.” The New England journal of medicine vol. 366,6 (2012): 511-9.
  6. Parkinsons Foundation. Yoga for PD.
  7. Parkinson’s UK. Swimming and Parkinson’s.
  8. Parkinsons Disease. net. Dancing Your Way to a Better Quality of Life with Parkinson’s.


September 11, 2021

Dr. Carlos Bautista is a Board Certified Medical Doctor. He received his Medical Degree from Universidad Autónoma de Baja California and has more than 20 years of experience working with Alternative Medicine to treat cancer, autoimmune diseases, chronic degenerative diseases, and infectious diseases. He opened Immunity Therapy Center in 2007 with the goal of providing the highest quality medical care for more than 5,000 patients.

At Immunity Therapy Center, our goal is to provide objective, updated, and research-based information on all health-related topics. This article is based on scientific research and/or other scientific articles. All information has been fact-checked and reviewed by Dr. Carlos Bautista, a Board Certified Medical Doctor at Immunity Therapy Center. All information published on the site must undergo an extensive review process to ensure accuracy. This article contains trusted sources with all references hyperlinked for the reader's visibility.