In 2018, over 18 million new cases of cancer were reported worldwide to the International Agency for Research on Cancer.  These numbers are staggeringly high, and conventional medicine is struggling to keep up with the rising demand for safer, more affordable treatments. As a result, two unconventional options have branched out from traditional treatment plans: complementary and Alternative Medicine. 

Alternative Medicine

Traditional treatments, like chemotherapy, focus on eliminating any dividing cell. This is why hair loss, reduced white blood cell count, and decreased bone marrow density are all side effects of chemo. The drug doesn’t decipher between healthy cells and unhealthy cells the way your natural immune system can.

Enter alternative medicince for cancer. Alternative Medicine aims to empower your immune system and give your body the best chance to fight cancer from the inside. The human body is a powerful machine that builds up immunities over a lifetime of combating pathogens. Cancer is just one more—a particularly nasty one, at that—which can be healed from the inside.

There are more than 20 holistic treatments readily available for tailoring a program to the

individual. Some of these Alternative treatments include:


  • Hyperthermia: Also known as thermal therapy, doctors raise your body temperature to around 103- 104 degrees. At this temperature, the cancer cell structures will start to breakdown, destroying the cells and making them easier to fight your immune system.
  • Sonodynamic Therapy – During this treatment, sono-sensitizing drugs are retained by tumor tissues. Ultrasound irradiation is then used to target these cancer cells and activate the sensitizers. 
  • Vitamin and Mineral Supplements – Part of Alternative Medicine includes ensuring the body is fully equipped to fight at maximum potential. This means nurturing the body with all the right vitamins and minerals, including essential nutrients like vitamin K3 and vitamin C. IV Chelation Therapy, one of our Detox treatments, injects supplementation of vitamins and minerals through the veins for our patients. Consider alternative therapies today.
  • Biomagnetic Cancer Therapy – By repolarizing cancer cells, Biomagnetic Therapy reduces pain and discomfort from cancer treatments. It may also be used to treat chronic degenerative diseases

Immunity Therapy Center provides these and additional Alternative Cancer Treatments to help our patients improve their quality of life and beat cancer. Whether you’re looking for alternative breast cancer treatment in Mexico or alternative lung cancer treatment in Mexico, we can help.

Complementary Medicine

As its name suggests, complementary medicine is used as additional care on top of

conventional treatments. CM is beneficial for mitigating the negative consequences of

chemotherapy. Many of the treatments stem from Eastern practices, focusing on the health of

the body and spirit.

Some common CM treatments include:

  • Acupuncture
  • Massage therapy
  • Tai chi
  • Probiotics
  • Herbal medicines

Many doctor’s attest to CM’s ability to mitigate symptoms like nausea, pain, and fatigue.

Understanding the Difference

There is no single complementary and alternative medicine definition. Both remain outside of

the Western medicinal canon. The main focus of there alternative practices are to improve the health and well-being of the patient. While it may not be conventional medicine, there is plenty of scientific evidence that proves these practices are effective in treating disease and cancer. Although many patients affirm their efficacy, hospitals and insurance companies remain hesitant to endorse them.

For those who are considering one of these options, here’s the easiest way to decipher

between complementary and alternative medicine. Complementary medicine involves nontraditional methods used in conjunction with conventional medicine. Alternative medicine uses alternative practices instead of conventional medicine.

Benefits of Alternative Medicine

When it comes to fighting back against cancer and disease, individuals should feel empowered to choose what treatment they get. Especially since the consequences of conventional chemotherapy create a long list of negative symptoms, including:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue
  • Bladder and kidney problems
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Mood swings
  • Fertility problems
  • Anemia
  • Nerve and muscle problems

Alternative medicine provides noninvasive and less-invasive treatment options that work with

the body’s natural healing system. These approaches are less harmful to the body and work to improve a patient’s health and well-being in natural, alternative ways.

Why Alternative Medicine Receives Push Back


With its dedication to holistic patient care, it’s surprising to see Alternative Medicine receive so much pushback

from traditional U.S. hospitals. Or is it? Because of its mission to produce safe, natural

treatment options for the patient, there’s not much room for patented technology and drug

corporations to get in on the payments. The average chemotherapy treatment cost in the U.S.

is upwards of $25,000 per month. This is due to drug companies’ price hikes and hospitals being able to charge insurance companies premiums.

The other reason Alternative Medicine receives pushback is due to the limited time many of these treatment

options have been around. New unconventional medicine practices worry doctors because they claim not enough research has been done to ensure patients are getting the proper care. But what many criticisms don’t take into account is that holistic medicines are designed to work with the body. The safest method for healing is to boost the immune system and let nature do the rest.

Which is Right For You?

People have different reasons for exploring complementary and alternative medicines. A good portion have already gone through the conventional experience only to relapse and suffer from a decreased quality of life. Whatever your reason for trying unconventional medical practices, alternative treatments are designed as low-cost, holistic alternatives for fighting back against cancer. If you’re interested in learning more about alternative options for treating cancer, including pancreatic cancer treatment in Mexico, contact Immunity Therapy Center today for a free consultation.


IARC. All Cancers Fact Sheet.



American Journal of Medicine. Death or Debt? National Estimates of Financial Toxicity in

Persons with Newly-Diagnosed Cancer.



Dr. Carlos Bautista is a Board Certified Medical Doctor. He received his Medical Degree from Universidad Autónoma de Baja California and has more than 20 years of experience working with Alternative Medicine to treat cancer, autoimmune diseases, chronic degenerative diseases, and infectious diseases. He opened Immunity Therapy Center in 2007 with the goal of providing the highest quality medical care for more than 5,000 patients.

At Immunity Therapy Center, our goal is to provide objective, updated, and research-based information on all health-related topics. This article is based on scientific research and/or other scientific articles. All information has been fact-checked and reviewed by Dr. Carlos Bautista, a Board Certified Medical Doctor at Immunity Therapy Center. All information published on the site must undergo an extensive review process to ensure accuracy. This article contains trusted sources with all references hyperlinked for the reader's visibility.