


Contact Us Today

Compassionate, Dedicated, Experienced

Doctor with patient

Alternative & Integrative Healing at ITC in Tijuana, Mexico

Being diagnosed with a disease can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to face it alone. Whether you or a loved one is facing a health challenge, ITC is here to support you.

Our approach goes beyond treating just the illness – we focus on your overall physical and mental well-being, our experienced medical team will create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs dedicated to providing non-toxic therapies designed to heal and restore your health.

We believe in your ability to heal and are here to guide you on a journey towards lasting wellness.

Start Your Healing Journey with a FREE Consultation

At ITC, we understand the importance of feeling heard and supported. With your FREE consultation, you'll have the chance to speak directly with one of our doctors, who will listen to your concerns and help guide you through a treatment plan that's designed for you.

We're here to help you feel at ease and confident in the choices you make. Schedule your consultation whenever you’re ready — we're with you every step of the way.

Holistic Approach

Holistic Approach:

ITC combines immune, alternative, and intravenous therapies to create very comprehensive treatment plans.

Personalized Treatment Plans

Personalized Treatment Plans:

ITC tailors treatment protocols to each patient's specific condition.

Patient-Centric Care

Patient-Centric Care:

A supportive, compassionate environment that prioritizes trust, comfort, and emotional well-being.



Immunity Therapy Center 根据每位患者的健康状况和诊断结果,提供各种自然有效的替代癌症治疗方案。



  • 恶心和呕吐
  • 疲劳
  • 腹泻
  • 脱发
  • 情绪波动
  • 生育问题
  • 贫血
  • 神经刺痛
  • 膀胱和肾脏问题






Contact Us Today

Compassionate, Dedicated, Experienced

Doctor with patient

Alternative & Integrative Healing at ITC in Tijuana, Mexico

Being diagnosed with a disease can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to face it alone. Whether you or a loved one is facing a health challenge, ITC is here to support you.

Our approach goes beyond treating just the illness – we focus on your overall physical and mental well-being, our experienced medical team will create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs dedicated to providing non-toxic therapies designed to heal and restore your health.

We believe in your ability to heal and are here to guide you on a journey towards lasting wellness.

Start Your Healing Journey with a FREE Consultation

At ITC, we understand the importance of feeling heard and supported. With your FREE consultation, you'll have the chance to speak directly with one of our doctors, who will listen to your concerns and help guide you through a treatment plan that's designed for you.

We're here to help you feel at ease and confident in the choices you make. Schedule your consultation whenever you’re ready — we're with you every step of the way.

Holistic Approach

Holistic Approach:

ITC combines immune, alternative, and intravenous therapies to create very comprehensive treatment plans.

Personalized Treatment Plans

Personalized Treatment Plans:

ITC tailors treatment protocols to each patient's specific condition.

Patient-Centric Care

Patient-Centric Care:

A supportive, compassionate environment that prioritizes trust, comfort, and emotional well-being.


在过去的 20 年间,蒂华纳变成了一个美丽的城镇和热闹非凡的旅游胜地。世界各地的人们来到这里体验美食、文化和令人兴奋的夜生活。这里有可以购买正宗本地商品的传统市场,也有许多可以满足您好奇心的博物馆。






  • 使用 Uber 打车
  • 待在光线充足的公共区域
  • 不要炫耀金钱或昂贵的珠宝
  • 不要喝醉
  • 礼貌待人

Contact Us Today

Compassionate, Dedicated, Experienced

Doctor with patient

Alternative & Integrative Healing at ITC in Tijuana, Mexico

Being diagnosed with a disease can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to face it alone. Whether you or a loved one is facing a health challenge, ITC is here to support you.

Our approach goes beyond treating just the illness – we focus on your overall physical and mental well-being, our experienced medical team will create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs dedicated to providing non-toxic therapies designed to heal and restore your health.

We believe in your ability to heal and are here to guide you on a journey towards lasting wellness.

Start Your Healing Journey with a FREE Consultation

At ITC, we understand the importance of feeling heard and supported. With your FREE consultation, you'll have the chance to speak directly with one of our doctors, who will listen to your concerns and help guide you through a treatment plan that's designed for you.

We're here to help you feel at ease and confident in the choices you make. Schedule your consultation whenever you’re ready — we're with you every step of the way.

Holistic Approach

Holistic Approach:

ITC combines immune, alternative, and intravenous therapies to create very comprehensive treatment plans.

Personalized Treatment Plans

Personalized Treatment Plans:

ITC tailors treatment protocols to each patient's specific condition.

Patient-Centric Care

Patient-Centric Care:

A supportive, compassionate environment that prioritizes trust, comfort, and emotional well-being.




NCBI. The immune system and happiness. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17027886
World Health Organization. Cancer Key Facts. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/cancer



See why the Immunity Therapy Center is a trusted name for medical tourism and cancer treatment centers in Mexico.

Alessandra Solimano

Alessandra Solimano

Alexandria 是美国居民,于 3 月被诊断出患有套细胞淋巴瘤。这病来得非常突然。她之前过着非常积极的生 […]


Fouad Youssef

Fouad Youssef

“ITC 提供了许多不同的疗法,但所有疗法都不会带来痛苦。 在 ITC 接受治疗期间,我的生活质量没有变差 [ […]


Peter Richardson

Peter Richardson

Peter Richardson 在 2 月初出现胃疼明显加重。遵照治疗便秘的医嘱,Peter 服用了 5 个 […]


Pamela Carrillo

Pamela Carrillo

在 2015 年,Pamela 被诊断出患有 2 期乳腺癌,并逐步升级为四期乳腺癌。除癌症外,她的胸部和手臂还 […]


Johnny Russell Jr

Johnny Russell Jr

“Bautista 医生的知识让我感到惊讶,我们认为医生一词的真正含义是老师。” Johnny 在前往 Imm […]


Marie Dueck

Marie Dueck

“在困难时期,护士们会与我们一起祈祷。” Marie 最开始是感到胃部疼痛。当她去伯利兹看医生时, […]


Adrianne Mohnhaupt

Adrianne Mohnhaupt

Adrianne Mohnhaupt 于 2015 年患有令人恐慌的卵巢癌,当时她的医生发现了一个 37 厘米 […]


Debbie Halper

Debbie Halper

“Immunity Therapy Center 拯救了我的生命,希望他们也能为您提供帮助” 在 3 月 14 […]


Rick Lee Scott

Rick Lee Scott

“在我的一生中,其他医疗机构从未向我提供如此出色的待遇。” 当 Rick 最初被诊断出患有膀胱癌时,癌症占了膀 […]


Clara Kornelsen

Clara Kornelsen

9 年前,Clara Kornelsen 被诊断出患有乳腺癌,之后来到了 ITC 接受治疗。虽然当时她住在加拿 […]


Start Your Healing Journey with a FREE Consultation

At ITC, we understand the importance of feeling heard and supported. With your FREE consultation, youll have the chance to speak directly with one of our doctors, who will listen to your concerns and help guide you through a treatment plan thats designed for you.Were here to help you feel at ease and confident in the choices you make. Schedule your consultation whenever you are ready — we are with you every step of the way.